Making positive changes. 

So for the last few months I have been the most positive I think I’ve ever been in my life and it’s literally bouncing out of me.

I’ve made so many changes to my life including sleeping a lot more than before, a lot of exercise (sorry to any friends that hate me for says my this but I actually like the gym), a better diet with much less takeaway and so much more time out in the sunshine.

Ever since I was diagnosed I was told that all these changes would make me better but I’ve never been able to make them stick. Now I’ve started them I don’t think I’ll ever turn back.

No matter how much people supported and pushed me to feel better it took a lot of internal thinking, self support and courage to even think about changing my life. I took a hard look at where I was and what I wanted to achieve and that there was so much more than I could be doing. Over the next few months I will be launching my own business as well as progressing in my current role and living some of my biggest dreams.

There is literally nothing that could stop me now.

Soph x

Being the best Sophie I can be!

Yesterday when strolling through Instagram my ex’s new girlfriend was shown on my suggested pages and seeing him in one of their pictures together I couldn’t help but think back to when we were together.

We had a great relationship until I began to suffer with a downhill in my depression and thinking about it now that was probably the reason he broke up with me on our anniversary telling me that he couldn’t support me but still wanted to be friends.

Inevitably I couldn’t cope with the idea that we would go from a relationship to friends just like that and I stopped talking to him. He has strung me along for weeks before eventually making it clear that he didn’t want and relationship on our one year anniversary and he hurt me enough for me to attempt suicide. But it turns out it was the best thing to ever happen to me.

During the beginning of our relationship we supported each other, pushed each other to achieve our goals and spoilt each other with endless adventures. Within the last three months of our relationship my attempts to love and support him became one way and we barely saw each other because he couldn’t make time for me. Throughout the relationship I wasted money on taking James on adventures to engage in his hobbies like a £700 VIP trip to Manchester United to see a game. For Christmas he bragged about how cheap he got my presents on eBay with one of them never turning up.

As soon as I no longer had this person to spoil I realised how much my episode had been caused by the lack of care I had put into myself. James knew I was struggling with my breakdown and instead of helping me he withdrew from the relationship and drew out a relationship he didn’t want. He abandoned me to pull myself back up alone.

Without someone to support me I taught myself to be completely self supported. I have focused so hard over the last year and a half on improving myself and living the best Sophie I can. I excelled in my career and continue to live a happier, healthier, more active and stable life. I’m never going to stop spoiling the important people around me but I know now that I always need to be the priority because not everyone you trust will be there when you need them.

I have also reconnected with a lot of people I’d lost from my life and I have made endless precious memories following my own passions, projects and hobbies recently with lots of big exciting plans for the next few years already set out and I cannot wait to see what else I get to look forward to.

So this is a thank you to James Ball for pushing me away, for breaking my heart and showing me that I didn’t need you. I will never forget the good memories we shared because for 9 months we had the most fun and endless laughs but that doesn’t mean you were good for me. You’ve helped me towards a fantastic life that keeps me excited about me every single day.

Soph x

Don’t Put The Blame On Me.

As adverts keep popping up about a new 13 Reasons Why, I cast my thoughts about the people that have caused and led me to attempt suicide.

I really disagree with the idea of the program because it’s advertised as a program to start the discussion about mental health and suicide which don’t get me wrong is absolutely fantastic, but no one can force you to attempt suicide is solely your decision. By the definition of suicide it is intentionally causing your own death. On top of this is that if you feel the pain and hurt to such an extent that you go through with an attempt on your life, successfully or not, you shouldn’t wish to cause more hurt to others which could be caused if you share tapes giving the details of all the people who played a part in your unhappiness like shown in the show.

Don’t get me wrong there is so many points in the series that massive signs show that she needs help and she doesn’t get it and that is something we a society need to start looking out for because no one should ever feel they have no choice but to commit suicide to end the pain they feel. There should always be some form of help, from a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to all the way up to a hospital bed where you can be safe.

As anyone that reads my blog or knows me well will already know I’ve attempted suicide and I’ve done it more than once. All these attempts have been at a point in my life when things weren’t fantastic and people around me knew it. I gave so many massive signs that I wasn’t doing well, it was a huge cry for help that I desperately needed but never got. The people that could have been there for me knew I needed help and failed to offer it or abandoned me at a point in my life where they knew I was unstable. Looking back there are three main people that I blame for my suicide attempts, I’m not going to name them because I much like the story behind 13 Reasons Why I only know my side of the story and I don’t know theirs.

They were all very important men in my life that I loved, not all romantically but they were men I needed and trusted. These people failed me on the nights I ended up in hospital having my wrists bandaged and on fluids and/or stomach pumped for overdoses.

All three of these have since left my life, and even months and years after these people no longer playing a part in my life I have horrible nightmares involving them. I think it revolves around the amount of my life I’ve spent with them and the constant reminders I see and hear daily but I’ve failed to remove. These include a a Manchester United shirt and scarf, a Harry Potter necklace, the song Luna by Bombay Bicycle Club and a plastic horse. While I deeply wish these people could have been stronger people and hadn’t chosen to ignore my warning calls I have no hate for them because at one point in my life I enjoyed their personality and company. Regardless of this no matter how they feel they cannot change the hurt they caused me, they do not get to change the pain I felt because of them and having lived through that myself I do everything in my power to stop others from feeling that way.

If anyone EVER needs support I will always endeavour to be there for them, regardless of who they are. I make sure I put others first and always want to exceed all expectations they have of me because it would kill be to think that someone would ever think of committing suicide because I didn’t do enough.

No One to Turn to.

When you feel sad it’s nice to think there’s someone that you want to come and hold you, comfort you until things feel better. They’ll hold you so tight, making you feel completely safe as if there is nothing in this world that could hurt you ever again. Feeling like home.
If you’re lucky this person will be someone that is able to drop everything and be there under any circumstance. You’ll be the most important thing in the world to them and nothing will get in the way of their ability to help you feel better and even if they couldn’t they’d be around.

I long for this person. I always have and up until recently I thought I had found them. But what’s worse is having someone that says they will be there, receiving the endless promises of support and love only to in return get the excuses when you reach out and ask for that help.

The feeling of being alone is awful. But when you need someone to help you and you don’t receive that help nothing feels as soul destroying. You’re not even worth their time, you’re not the most important thing to them.

What happens when you don’t have anyone in your life to be this person. What happens when you don’t actually have anyone at all? Well, you learn to be that person for yourself. You rely on no one and you quickly isolate yourself in a dark place. If I could give one piece of advice for someone promising love and support, it would be to actually mean it, because you don’t know how much your support will help.



Holding On.

I took a look back today and it hurt like hell. It’s hard not to think about people that left your life but if you’ve got abandonment issues it’s one million times worse when you do.

Many of the people that have left me behind have done so with no reason at all, leaving me to think that it’s just because I’m not worth spending time with. As much as you work on those feelings and build yourself back up, the next person leaving is like a brick being pulled out from the bottom of a wall and everything else coming tumbling with it.
I lost the most incredible friend when my last breakup took place and I’ve craved for it back for some time but I know I shouldn’t. I know I deserve better than someone who isn’t going to give me their love and attention. The heartbreaking part of my look back was seeing how well they are coping without me. I’m easily replaceable and meant very little to them.

I know I shouldn’t keep holding on. I’ve learnt that lesson already. I just don’t know how to listen to myself. That’s the lesson I need to learn. And I will, with each person that abandons me I learn that I’m a stronger, more cabable person who is beginning to love spending time with herself and becoming braver than she ever imagined.



I hurt.

I’m coping badly today. Mostly because I can see how much things have changed. At the start of the year I had a flat and a job, a wonderful partner and motivation to get the life I dreamed of. Now I’m sat in a tiny room on my own trying not to cry myself to sleep. 

I realise that things change, I don’t want to hold onto things that aren’t right and people that don’t want me but it hurts that everything has left at the same time. All my happiness is gone and I’m left feeling empty and alone. Nothing lasts forever and I know that. Now I have to work out how to keep going while there’s nothing to keep going for. I’m not good at that, I never had been. 



I feel a fool.

I’ve always felt either too much or not enough. Felt too much over something so small or completely empty, numb to the world.

I’m going through phases of feeling like this. Waking up feeling that nothing matters. That I could die today and have everything carry on around me, without me. And then the smallest sight reminding me of how much has changed, what I’ve been left without and going full circle when I remember how empty my life has become.

But right now, sitting here on my bed, cuddled up with my bear all I can think about is how much of a fool I’ve been. A fool for believing that anything good ever stays. A fool for not seeing the abandonment coming. I hate myself so much for believing that some things don’t have to end.

I know that feeling numb is dangerous, it leaves me in a place in my head where there are no consequences but at least I don’t have to feel like no matter how much time, effort, love I give to others I’m always so easy to leave behind.



I’ve always loved art. Painting or sewing, dying and cutting. It was something I was going to pursue at university but when you think about your future it’s always the sensible choice of sciences that win. They give you career stability that arts just don’t offer for the majority of students. There are those fantastically skilled individuals who fly to increadible countries and experience their arts in ways no one else could imagine. They’re dancing or designing, starting an unimaginable career that they completely deserve. But some of those desperate to pursue arts struggle for a long time. Never getting the chance to have those highs in life or simply just aren’t good enough.

At 18 ready to start university I knew that my passion wasn’t enough and my skill lacked what others had. I was ready for the stable career that maths offered. It wasn’t until very late in my third year I sat down and painted with my housemate.

I wasn’t well at this point, although I hadn’t fully come to terms with it. This was possibly my favourite day of the whole university experience. Creating something beautiful out of such simple colours. We had such fun.

As I’ve fallen further and further into the depression that I was struggling with then I’ve fallen in love more and more with painting. With forgetting the world around me and creating something beautiful.

I continue to look for an art class or art therapy to join but for now I can enjoy my time creating something I can share with others.

My Etsy shop with my art for sale can be found here:



I should do more.

Over the last few years I’ve heard the phrase, “I should being doing more,” more times than I’d be willing to count. It seems to be the response I get most often when I tell someone that I’m not feeling okay. My response is always a half-hearted “it’s fine” or “there’s not much you can do, it’s my issue”. The only problem is that I don’t believe it, so I’m not sure how they are meant to take it.

Honestly, the thing I need the most when I’m not okay is your attention – yeah I know, always looking for some attention, but sometimes having someone actually be there, rather than say they want to do more and then disappear is the most valuable thing in the world. There is no worse feeling than telling someone you aren’t okay and them ignore you, it feels as though they don’t care what happens to you. I’ve been a pretty severe case when it comes to this, because sometimes I tell others I need help and when I don’t get any I don’t know what else to do, this usually leads to a suicide attempt and a day or two in hospital, followed by an argument with my psych team to keep me out of the in-patient hospital. When I say I need help, all I want is a 10 minute phone call or someone to come hug me. It really is the little things that help people with depression – surprise me, tell me something meaningful and mostly importantly be present.

Back at the beginning of 2015 I did a therapy course in emotional intensity with STEPPS. Emotional intensity is the term they used to describe people who either don’t qualify for Borderline Personality Disorder by only displaying some traits or those who hadn’t been fully diagnosed. I was fully diagnosed at the time however they allowed me on the course and I’m very glad they did as I learnt a lot about who I am, how I behave and what I can do for myself when there isn’t anyone around to help me.

The course describes the disorder as:

“Levels of emotional intensity which may cause difficulties, could include some of the following feelings, thoughts or behaviours. The difficulties might affect you relationships, how you view yourself, how you experience various moods, or whether you can control urges to act impulsively.” – STEPPS

They list the following nine points which in some way or another really have an impact on my life.

  • Fear or worry that someone important in your life is tired of you or planning to leave you. You may go to extremes to keep someone from leaving you.
    • I have such an issue with this, I really struggle to be by myself. I hate my own company and would much prefer to have someone beside me, even if we don’t say a word, it’s comforting to have them there. I used to buy my friends lots of presents on a constant basis, in an attempt to keep them around me. I’ve got better with this, I know that people should want to spend time with me based on who I am as a person, not how much money I can spend on them, (also my bank account isn’t the happiest with me at the moment.)
  • Unstable and stormy relationships and friendships because of quickly changing your opinions about others, such as thinking someone is completely wonderful, and just as quickly deciding they are the worst person you’ve ever known.
    • I really work to not change my opinion of people so quickly, and while they do change I’m very reluctant to forgive people. If I get hurt I will hold onto it.
  • Frequent or extreme changes in how you see yourself, such as shifting from feeling confident about how you are to being very unsure of who you are, or what your goals and values are.
    • This course helped me so much with this problem and although I do still change my opinion of myself I think I’m gaining an understanding of who I am, what morals I live by and what I want to achieve in life.
  • Being impulsive and engaging in risky behaviours (like risky sexual behaviour, using drugs or alcohol, driving recklessly, etc) without thinking of the consequences.
    • Again, I am so much better with this than I have been before. I have had such a problem with risky behaviour and I don’t think there is anything of the list they provided that I hadn’t had an issue with. I’ve worked on my drinking and now only drink for enjoyment rather than coping, which was a really big achievement. I still struggle with spending money recklessly, although I am much better than I was before. I know that the bills and rent have to be a big priority, I need to think about the future and start saving but there’s something about a new toy that makes me feel so much better.
  • Feeling very sad and/or hopeless, purposely doing something to injury yourself, or making a suicide attempt.
    • It’s been four months since I last attempted suicide or self harmed. With some really positive changes in my life I really hope that in a few months I will be says it’s been six months and then a year and eventually I won’t have to fight so hard to stop myself. But for now, I am super proud of myself.
  • Experiencing very rapid mood changes several times a day, often going from feeling depressed to normal to angry or anxious very quickly. Minor events seem to cause major shifts in mood.
    • Minor events cause such big problems in my life, because I get really upset, and no one seems to understand why. I wish I could explain in a way that people without this condition could understand. You’ve stopped talking to me without saying goodbye because you’re having dinner but my brain tells me that you hate me and I’ll never hear from you again. My teddy bear going missing and to you we can find it in the morning but to me he needs to be found now, because I’ve been too careless and always lose things, because I’m useless. Such little things have huge impacts on my mood and how I’m doing. If everyone that knew me took a little more time to understand how much this bothers me I’d really appreciate it.
  • Feeling very empty.
    • It’s a strange feeling not knowing what is going on in our own body. Sometimes I have periods where I just feel empty, as if there is nothing. This is the scariest feeling for me, I’d much rather feel depressed. This feeling of emptiness is dangerous, because this is when I forget there is a future, I forget the consequences and sometimes I attempt suicide without really needing to.
  • Temper outbursts or problems with anger leading to relationship problems, physically hurting other people, or breaking things.
    • I’ve never really had a problem with anger, I’m the type of person that will blame myself for issues or turn emotional if I’m getting angry.
  • When you are stressed, feeling paranoid or distrustful of people you usually trust. Having brief blackouts or periods of time when you forget what has happened.
    • I suffer with this a lot, please don’t freak out if it happens while you are around me. I will be okay!

“Another way to think about BPD is that it is a disorder of emotional regulation. Those who suffer from this disorder experience very intense emotions and have difficulty regulating them. Some people have suggested that we call this disorder Emotional Intensity Disorder (EID). This disorder is extremely painful for the persons who have it and for those who live with and care about them.” – STEPPS

Every week we would go away with a small list of tasks to think about and complete before the next session, almost like homework and very far into the course we received a ‘Encouraging Exercise’ which I gave to my mum to complete. It asks the respondent to answer the following statements:

  • What I like about you is:
  • Your strengths and good qualities are:
  •  I appreciate:

My mum wrote some lovely things in this form, as did the parents, partners and children of the other girls on the course. Reading the few sentences my mum wrote about me really does make a difference so if anyone else would like to leave me one that would be greatly appreciated and I recommend anyone do this with their friends for something wonderful to read on your bad days.

Sometimes I also hear “what can I do to help”, I don’t like this either. It always feels like a trap. They want me to tell them, and they do want to help, but they want a quick fix and that really doesn’t exist. I want to ask for what I need – “come over and hug me until I forget and fall asleep” or quite often “don’t leave me alone”. If I actually ask there is two outcomes, they either drop everything and I feel guilty, which doesn’t make me feel any better or they say no. Either way I don’t win and neither do they, which is why I’ve stopped asking.

Having been diagnosed with Asperger’s at the beginning of this year, on top of the previous three million other conditions they’ve labelled me with I’ve begun to recognise the symptoms of this condition that make my depression worse. During an eight week course of cognitive analytic therapy my counsellor identified that she had suspicions about the diagnosis and following the test, it was confirmed. It’s helped me identify issues I have such a recognising what people mean through messages and even sometimes face to face, I need things to be explained fully to me, please don’t be vague. Tell me everything, explain what is going on in your head, let me understand because otherwise I will worry and read into everything that has been said. Worry is one of the worse things that really impacts my depression, I don’t like to worry, I can’t relax, I can’t enjoy things.

I really believe that these disorders do not have to ruin your life. As long as I’m learning and making sure I speak up things will always get better, and they have dramatically in the last few months. All the changes and new things in my life are really helping me and for the first time I’m looking forward to a bright future.









I fucking love dance music. 

So when I started university a whole five years ago now (oh I feel old) I was very into the music in the chart. At the time, Moves like Jagger was played on every night out. It was the anthem to my freshers. Sometime in my third year at uni Tom (my best friend and housemate) got me into drum and bass and my love for all types of dance music has continued from there. 

All time favourite artist, Andy C. 

Hands down. That man is a God and everything he does is gold. Last summer in a state of desperation I begged my sister (Zoe) to come to V festival in Chelmsford where Andy C played followed by Nero. 

I’ve never been more grateful to Zoe for coming with me as it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had, stood at the front of a massive crowd, meters away from my favourite artist. It made all my worries melt away, all my past seem a little less important and it was nice to just be happy in that moment. 

I do everything I can to show Zoe how much that meant to me, so tickets to see Years and Years (her favourite band) arrived for Christmas alongside Ellie Goulding and tickets back to V this summer. 

Sometimes people are aware what a small impact they have on other people. Zoe was my little saviour that summer and I love her dearly for it. 

Tom started my love for dance music and despite him not be around to get excited over new songs together or go on these crazy nights out together I am grateful for these experiences in the past and for bringing something that gives me so much joy into my life. For that I am eternally grateful.
